Michigan’s Clean Energy Comeback: Lower Energy Costs, More Jobs, and a Brighter Future

Michigan’s Clean Energy Comeback: Lower Energy Costs, More Jobs, and a Brighter Future

Michigan is making a major comeback, and it’s powered by clean energy! According to a new report from 5 Lakes Energy, our state is leading the charge in creating a cleaner, more affordable, and economically vibrant future for all Michiganders – and it’s all thanks to the Clean Energy and Jobs Act and historic federal investments in clean energy. Let’s break down what this means for you, your family, and our local communities.

Michigan’s Clean Energy Boom

You’ve probably heard about clean energy and the big changes it’s bringing. But did you know that Michigan is one of the top states benefiting from these new clean energy projects? As the most recent analysis shows, our state has welcomed 62 major projects, creating over 21,700 jobs and bringing in more than $26.6 billion in new investments. That’s not just good news for the environment – it’s great news for our economy and your wallet!

Lowering Energy Costs for Michigan Families

Imagine saving hundreds of dollars a year on your energy bills. That’s exactly what’s happening thanks to Michigan’s clean energy policies. The Clean Energy and Jobs Act, along with federal support from the Inflation Reduction Act, is set to save Michigan families an average of $297 per year on energy bills by 2030 and a whopping $713 per year by 2040. These savings come from investing in energy efficiency, like making our homes and appliances more efficient and ramping up the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind.



Creating Good-Paying Jobs Across the State

From the Upper Peninsula to Detroit, clean energy projects are bringing new opportunities for work in fields like solar installation, energy efficiency upgrades, and manufacturing. These aren’t just any jobs – they’re high-quality positions that pay well and offer career growth.

As new data highlights, home-grown clean energy businesses across Michigan are now able to more easily move forward with their solar energy projects, helping farmers and small businesses save money and become more energy-independent. Companies like Harvest Solar – a solar energy business in Jackson, MI – are growing thanks to these changes, building bigger and better solar arrays that weren’t possible before because of bureaucratic red tape.

Cleaner Air and Better Health for Our Communities

Switching to clean energy isn’t just about lowering costs and creating jobs – it’s also about making our communities healthier. By cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions, we’re reducing air pollution that can cause serious health problems like asthma and heart disease – especially for BIPOC, low-income, and environmental justice communities historically overburdened by toxic air pollution. Per the recent analysis, Michigan is expected to save $7.3 billion in avoided public health costs by 2030 and $27.8 billion by 2040. That means fewer hospital visits, fewer sick days, and a better quality of life for everyone.

It’s Time to Keep the Momentum Going!

Michigan’s clean energy comeback is just getting started, and we’re already seeing incredible benefits – but there is more work to do. The benefits of clean energy investment are undeniable, but we can do more in Michigan to maximize the impact of investing in our future. To keep this momentum going, experts recommend expanding state policies to further decarbonize our buildings and transportation sectors, ensuring that the economic and health benefits of clean energy reach every corner of the state.

It’s also important to invest in workforce training programs that prepare more Michiganders for high-wage jobs in this growing sector. That way, we can continue to attract top talent and meet the rising demand for clean energy projects across the state.

The Bottom Line

The Clean Energy and Jobs Act and historic federal investments have put Michigan on a path to a cleaner, more prosperous future. Lower energy costs, more good-paying jobs, and healthier communities are just the beginning. As Michigan continues to lead in clean energy, every family and every community stands to benefit. Let’s keep the momentum going and build a brighter future for all! 

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