Trump Administration weakens protections for endangered species

Trump Administration weakens protections for endangered species

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s devastating changes to the enforcement of the Endangered Species Act:

“President Trump’s move to weaken the Endangered Species Act is a massive step backward and a dangerous move for the future of wildlife in Michigan – like gray wolves, moose, lake sturgeon, spotted turtles, bald eagles and other threatened species,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We need a leader in Washington who will make protecting our ecosystems and tackling climate change key focuses, and this president has done just the opposite time and again when it comes to what Michiganders care about.”  

On Monday, the Trump administration overhauled how federal government handles the protection of the more than 1,600 species at risk of extinction. This includes rule changes that could allow authorities to ignore the impact of climate change and oil and gas drilling, both of which can have dire effects on the habitats of endangered wildlife. 


Media Contact: Nick Dodge, [email protected], (616) 796-4912

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