Michigan LCV statement on Line 5 propane report

Michigan LCV statement on Line 5 propane report

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) issued the following statement today regarding an independent report released by the National Wildlife Federation that found Enbridge’s Line 5 Pipeline is not necessary to meet the Upper Peninsula’s propane needs. Supplying propane to the UP is a leading argument by Line 5 proponents for keeping the 65-year-old pipeline open.

“Independent studies have shown that a Line 5 oil spill would devastate our Great Lakes, cost our state billions of dollars and upend our tourism, recreation and outdoor industries,” said Bob Allison, deputy director of Michigan LCV. “This latest independent report demonstrates that we can cost-effectively replace the Upper Peninsula’s propane supply without pipelines in our waters. Dangerous, outdated pipelines do not belong in our Great Lakes, and state leaders should move to shut down the aging, damaged Line 5 Pipeline immediately and reject any proposals to build new tunneled pipelines in the Great Lakes.”


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