Michigan LCV Statement on Independent Redistricting Commission’s adoption of State House Maps

Michigan LCV Statement on Independent Redistricting Commission’s adoption of State House Maps

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters issued the following statement after the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission voted to adopt the Motown Sound set of maps for new state house districts in the greater Detroit area. 

“Michiganders overwhelmingly passed Proposal 2 to make drawing legislative districts an open and transparent process done by Michiganders, not politicians behind closed doors,” said Brooke Harris, democracy for all director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Once again, in drawing new maps, the commission held public hearings and did their work in a way where Michiganders could agree. The Motown Sound E1 Map that was selected by the Commission should be the map moving forward. It’s critical that the maps that we use moving forward are drawn and decided upon by the people of Michigan.”

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