Michigan LCV, MEC applaud passage of solar tax reform

Michigan LCV, MEC applaud passage of solar tax reform

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters and Michigan Environmental Council today issued the following statement applauding the passage of House Bills 5143 and 5680, tie-barred bills that would clarify how solar panels installed on residential homes and businesses are taxed. The legislation would classify solar panels installed on property as personal property, which would not raise a home’s value and property taxes until it is sold.

“We applaud the passage of this much-needed legislation that provides clarity on how homegrown renewable energy is taxed,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “We should be encouraging Michiganders to generate their own clean, renewable energy to lower electricity costs and reduce pollution in our air. This legislation fixes the current confusing and broken tax structure for rooftop solar, and we urge Gov. Snyder to sign these bills into law.”

“House Bills 5143 and 5680 help remove tax barriers and uncertainty for individuals and businesses that want to generate their own affordable, renewable energy,” saidCharlotte JamesonMichigan Environmental Council’s Energy Policy and Legislative Affairs Director. “We applaud lawmakers for passing this critical tax reform package and call on Gov. Snyder to support expanding access to rooftop solar by approving this legislation.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2018

Contact: Nick Dodge, Byrum & Fisk Advocacy Communications, (517) 333-1606

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