Michigan LCV hails agreement on Brandon Road Lock and Dam to stop Asian Carp

Michigan LCV hails agreement on Brandon Road Lock and Dam to stop Asian Carp

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today hailed an agreement made by Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which sets in motion a plan to design and build the Brandon Road Lock and Dam Ecosystem Project to prevent Asian Carp from entering our Great Lakes at a critical point in the Chicago Area Waterway System.


“Asian Carp pose a major threat to our Great Lakes ecosystems and fishing economy, and today’s announcement solidifies a plan and partnership in keeping these invasive species out of our Great Lakes,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We thank Governors Whitmer and Pritzker for their leadership on protecting our waters as well as the Michigan Legislature for allocating up to $8 million to help fund the pre-construction engineering and design of the project. Protecting our Great Lakes and the jobs that depend on them is a bipartisan issue and restoring the Brandon Road Lock and Dam will ensure our Great Lakes ecosystems are strong for years to come.”


The Brandon Road Lock and Dam is located on the Des Plaines River in Illinois. The restoration will support advanced technology to prevent Asian Carp from entering the Great Lakes and surrounding waterways with electric barriers, acoustic sound deterrents and a flushing lock, all while maintaining transportation through the Chicago Area Waterway System.

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