Michigan LCV calls on Legislature to pass budget funding drinking water protection

Michigan LCV calls on Legislature to pass budget funding drinking water protection

LANSING – Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters issued the following statement regarding ongoing state budget negotiations for Fiscal Year 2020: 

“Communities across Michigan are grappling with drinking water contamination, like toxic PFAS chemicals and lead from old pipes, yet discussion about it has been noticeably absent in Lansing as they work to pass a budget. Clean, safe drinking water is not a partisan issue and should be a top priority, not an afterthought,” Wozniak said. “Some in the Capitol appear willing to forgo needed investment to protect public health and tackle this drinking water crisis head-on.  We call on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and legislative leadership to treat water contamination with the urgency it deserves.”


Media Contact: Nick Dodge, communications director, (616) 796-4912

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