Michigan LCV applauds signing of bills to expand voting rights, implement Proposal 2

Michigan LCV applauds signing of bills to expand voting rights, implement Proposal 2

LANSING The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today applauded Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for signing bipartisan bills to expand voting rights and implementing key portions of Proposal 2, which was overwhelmingly approved by voters in November 2022. 

Proposal 2 recognizes the fundamental right to vote without harassment, enhances election integrity and increases election security by modernizing how clerks administer elections. It also makes voting more accessible for Michiganders of all backgrounds. The ballot measure established that these voting protections must be enshrined in our state constitution. 

Over the past several months, legislators have been working on a series of bills to implement Proposal 2 so voters can use their new rights in upcoming elections. 

“Ensuring every voice is heard and counted in every election – no matter what political party or candidate you support or where you live or what you look like – is critical to our democracy and protecting Michigan’s elections,” said Brooke Harris, Democracy For All Director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Proposal 2 provided new rights to Michigan voters and we are proud to launch our 313/616 Votes Program to educate voters about their new expanded voting rights.” 

In June, Michigan LCV Education Fund launched its largest-ever non-election year 313/616 Votes program to educate voters in the Detroit and Grand Rapids areas about their new voting rights under Proposal 2. The team of 12 canvassers are attending farmers’ markets, community events and doing direct outreach to voters all summer long to inform them of their new rights, like expanded early voting. 

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