Michigan LCV applauds AG Nessel for filing suit against big polluters responsible for PFAS manufacturing   

Michigan LCV applauds AG Nessel for filing suit against big polluters responsible for PFAS manufacturing  

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement after Attorney General Dana Nessel announced a lawsuit on behalf of the people of Michigan against 17 companies that manufactured, used and disposed of PFAS in Michigan despite knowing the dangers of the chemicals.

“We applaud Attorney General Nessel for taking legal action against companies responsible for the manufacturing and spreading of PFAS that has contaminated our water and threatens the health of Michigan communities,” said Bob Allison, deputy director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Polluters must be held accountable for the toxic contamination they cause. We can’t have a strong, vibrant economy when citizens are forced to drink polluted water. We have a responsibility to our communities and our children to meet this water contamination challenge head-on.”

The Attorney General’s lawsuit alleges the accused companies knowingly failed to disclose information about the harm PFAS causes to humans, suppressed scientific evidence and continued to spread PFAS into environment and throughout Michigan despite knowing the dangers.

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