Michigan LCV announces new board of directors president, George Davis

Michigan LCV announces new board of directors president, George Davis

As we begin the new year, some exciting changes are taking place here at Michigan LCV. We are pleased to announce George Davis is the new president of our board of directors!

George is a familiar face to many within the Michigan LCV community, being deeply involved with our work for the past seven years while serving as vice president of the board. 

Outside of his work on Michigan LCV’s board as vice president, George has been deeply involved in environmental protections work for decades, both in his own Detroit community and on a statewide level. He has worked in the public and private sectors in and around Detroit, tackling issues ranging from hazardous contamination to analysis on environmental initiatives. He also served as an integral member of the Legislative Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan. As a two-time graduate of the University of Michigan, holding degrees in political science and education policy, George brings vast knowledge to Michigan LCV’s board, first as vice president and now as president!

We are very excited to have George as our new board president. Congratulations, George!

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