Michigan LCV announces latest round of endorsements for 2018 class of environmental champions

Michigan LCV announces latest round of endorsements for 2018 class of environmental champions

Ann Arbor, MI- The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) today announced its latest round of endorsements for 26 candidates running for office in the Michigan House of Representatives and State Senate. This latest round of endorsements comes after Michigan LCV issued its first-ever early endorsement in April due to the growing urgency to elect environmental champions to the state Legislature.

“We need to elect lawmakers who will work to protect our Great Lakes, rivers, streams and drinking water,” said Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director of Michigan LCV. “Protecting our water and the health of Michigan families should be a top priority for our elected officials, and we will continue to hold lawmakers to that standard.”

Michigan LCV endorsed the following candidates in their primaries: Rep. Wendell Byrd, HD 3 (D), Rep. Frank Liberati, HD 13 (D), Rep. Cara Clemente, HD 14 (D), Rep. John Chirkun, HD 22 (D), Rep. Jim Ellison, HD 26 (D), Rep. Robert Wittenberg, HD 27 (D), Rep. Patrick Green, HD 28 (D), Rep. Bill Sowerby, HD 31 (D), Rep. Tim Sneller, HD 50 (D), Rep. Ronnie Peterson, HD 54 (D), Jim Haadsma, HD 62 (D), Rep. David Maturen, HD 63 (R), Rep James Lower, HD 70 (R), Rep. Gary Howell, HD 82 (R), Rep. Brian Elder, HD 96 (D), Rep. Scott VanSingel, HD 100 (R), Rep. Sara Cambensy, HD 109 (D), Rep. Sylvia Santana, SD 3 (D), Senator Fred Durhal, SD 4 (D), Senator David Knezek, SD 5 (D), Rep. Erika Geiss, Senate District 6 (D), Former Representative Jeff Irwin, SD 18 (D), Senator Curtis Hertel, SD 23 (D), Rep. Mike McCready, SD 12 (R), Senator Peter Lucido, running for SD 8 (R), Rep. Jeff Yaroch, HD 33 (R)

With 50 open seats in the State Legislature, Michigan LCV believes it is important to set a clear standard for what an environmental champion looks like. For more information, read Michigan LCV’s blog post on the latest endorsements.

“After the recent slew of bad bills that weaken environmental protections, it’s high time to elect environmental champions who will stand up for Michigan communities,” said Bob Allison, Deputy Director of Michigan LCV.  “Michigan LCV remains committed to ensuring we elect as many advocates for our water as possible this election cycle.”

For a full list of Michigan LCV’s endorsements visit:


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, July 10, 2018


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