Michigan Lawmakers Must Protect, Not Restrict, Freedom to Vote 

Michigan Lawmakers Must Protect, Not Restrict, Freedom to Vote 

DETROIT — Today All Voting is Local Michigan, ACLU of Michigan, Common Cause MI, Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Pontiac Policy Action Fund, and Voting Rights Lab issued the following statement in response to the introduction of 39 voting-related bills, including measures to curtail access to absentee voting and ballot drop boxes, making it harder for Michiganders to vote:

“The Michigan Legislature must commit to common-sense measures that are based on data and facts, respect the will of the voters and ensure all Michiganders have equal  access to the ballot. Most of the measures will only make voting more difficult and disenfranchise Michigan voters.


“We must build on the proven successes of last year’s election and move forward, not backward on access to our democracy. We will hold Michigan lawmakers to account to ensure that any voting-related legislation put forward protects our freedom to vote how we choose.”

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