
Get the Facts: Line 5 Shutdown

Shutting Down Line 5 is the Right Decision for Michigan

Line 5 — the oil pipeline laying in the Straits of Mackinac — is 21 years past it’s intended lifespan. A Line 5 rupture would impact 700 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, take years to clean up, and would devastate our Great Lakes economy — putting 214,000 Michigan tourism jobs at risk. The Great Lakes are 20% of the world’s freshwater — we can’t afford to contaminate them with oil.

Tell President Biden to Shut Down Line 5

700 miles of shoreline are at risk if Line 5 ruptures

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The Line 5 dual pipelines under the Straits of Mackinac are damaged beyond repair and are no longer safe to operate

Enbridge Energy violated its agreement with the State of Michigan demonstrating a total disregard for the safety and health of our Great Lakes.

  • In 2010, Enbridge’s Line 6B Pipeline ruptured, spilling more than a million gallons of oil, which resulted in the largest inland oil spill in history.
  • In June 2020, Line 5 was temporarily shut down due to significant damage to anchor supports on the pipeline caused by an anchor strike and Enbridge failed to inform state officials about the damage and condition of the line.
  • In recent years, Enbridge has continuously failed to demonstrate proper care for the pipeline, violating its agreement with the state of Michigan.

Get the truth about Line 5 and the damage an oil spill would cause by dispelling some common myths surrounding shutting down Line 5

Will shutting down Line 5 impact propane in the U.P.?

U.P. residents will not lose access to propane. Line 5 only provides propane to roughly 12,000 homes and businesses in the UP and other propane sources and providers already exist. The UP Energy Task Force found several options other than Line 5 with comparable costs.

Will shutting down Line 5 impact propane prices?

According to the most comprehensive study done to date, shutting down Line 5 might result in temporary price increases of not more than 5 cents/gallon- well within normal market price fluctuations.

Is there a solution in place to protect U.P. residents who rely on Line 5 propane?

Line 5 provides only a portion of the propane in Michigan and there are better sources to meet the U.P.’s energy needs.

The U.P. Energy Task Force has provided a number of solutions to meet the U.P.’s energy needs and maintain affordability. The state is already implementing these recommendations AND the energy market adjusts quickly. There are several solutions that could be quickly developed and deployed, including:

  • Propane trucking from Superior, WI
  • Rail transport from Conway, KS or Edmonton, AB
  • Increased propane storage

Will there be a need to transport propane by truck across the Mackinac Bridge if Line 5 is shut down?

The U.P. Energy Task force determined 3-4 truckloads or 1-2 train cars of propane per day could replace the U.P.’s reliance on Line 5 propane.


What will be the impact on oil refineries in neighboring states, like Ohio, if Line 5 is shut down?

Most refineries in the region are supplied with petroleum from a number of sources. Line 5 is not the only source. For example, PBF Refinery in Toledo asserts that they have no other source of petroleum and would have to shut down without Line 5 and they’d lose 1,000 jobs. However, in investor filings, PBF indicates that they are mainly supplied by 3 pipelines- Capline and Midvalley pipelines from the south, and Line 5 from the north. They also only employ 550 people so how they would lose 1,000 jobs is unclear.

Will there be an impact to jet fuel for airports in Michigan?

Based on numbers published by PBF, BP Husky and Marathon Refineries, Line 5 appears to supply only about 10% of the jet fuel at Detroit Metro Airport, not 40% as claimed by Ohio Gov. DeWine. Both Marathon and PBF have other crude oil sources, and other pipelines could provide feedstock to satisfy regional jet fuel needs. Alternatively, other nearby refineries in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio could make up this shortfall.

How many Michiganders depend on Line 5 for their jobs?

The number of jobs at risk if Line 5 ruptures far outweighs the jobs currently supported by the pipeline.

More than 214,000 jobs are supported by tourism alone, which are at risk if Line 5 ruptures.

Enbridge only employs 116 employees, including contractors.

More jobs will be created by decommissioning and removing Line 5 (2,188 jobs) than by building a tunnel (1,763 jobs).

More than 1.3 million jobs regionally depend on the Great Lakes, creating $82 billion in annual wages.

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