House approves historic  clean energy legislation

House approves historic clean energy legislation

Bills to make Michigan among the fastest states
in the country to build out renewable energy

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters issued the following statement in support of the Michigan’s Clean Energy Future Plan, a package of bills approved by the House today that would transition Michigan to 100% clean energy, boost energy efficiency investments in communities across the state, and require the Michigan Public Service Commission to consider impacts to communities of color and public health when regulating utility companies. 


“This Clean Energy Future Package puts Michigan on the path to have some of the fastest buildout of renewable energy like wind and solar in the nation – rapidly cleaning up our air and protecting our Great Lakes and drinking water,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Democratic lawmakers passed legislation that empowers the Michigan Public Service Commission with more tools than ever before to hold utility companies’ feet to the fire regarding pollution impacts on health and safety, especially in communities of color.”


“This climate package was done the Michigan way, with labor partners at the table to help ensure we put Michigan workers first – including requirements that projects include prevailing wage and project labor agreements, along with commitments from the utilities that they recruit, train and hire people from low-income communities to do energy efficiency upgrades,” Wozniak continued.


Senate Bills 271, 273 and 502 create a 100% clean electricity standard, expand access to energy efficiency programs and empower the Michigan Public Service Commission to regulate big energy utility companies on a broader array of issues impacting residents. Additionally, Senate Bill 519 passed the House that creates a first-ever Office of Energy & Worker Transition for both workers and communities where coal and gas operations will transition in order to attract and place new industries that require comparable skills.

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