Governor Snyder green-lights unlimited dark money in Michigan politics

Governor Snyder green-lights unlimited dark money in Michigan politics

Plan expands US Supreme Court “Citizens United” decision, giving corporations the right to spend unlimited sums in elections

LANSING—The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (Michigan LCV) criticized legislation signed into law by Governor Snyder today. Senate Bills 335 and 336, sponsored by Sen. Dave Robertson (R-Grand Blanc) were quickly signed by the Governor today after receiving approval by the House of Representatives yesterday.

Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director gave the following statement on the bills’ passage:

Americans already have staggeringly little trust in our elected leaders. It is shameful that Governor Snyder and the Michigan Legislature chose to open the floodgates for even further unlimited, anonymous money to flow into our state’s political system,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director. “These bills serve to reinforce disturbing conflicts of interest that are already at play in Lansing, while effectively undermining basic expectations of transparency or accountability on the part of our elected leaders.”

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