Gov. Whitmer stands up for our freedom to vote, vetoes voter suppression bills

Gov. Whitmer stands up for our freedom to vote, vetoes voter suppression bills

Michigan LCV commends Governor’s action to defend our democracy

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters issued the following statement today regarding Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s veto of House Bills 4492, 4837 and 4838, which would make it more difficult for historically marginalized residents to vote. Gov. Whitmer vetoed the legislation Sunday at the NAACP Fight For Freedom Fund Dinner in Detroit.

“Ensuring access to the ballot and protecting our freedom to vote is paramount to maintaining our democracy. We commend Gov. Whitmer for blocking this dangerous legislation that would make it harder to vote,” said Clare Allenson, civic engagement director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “These anti-voter bills are a blatant effort to perpetuate the “Big Lie” and threaten the progress Michigan has made to increase access and remove barriers to voting. Michigan LCV stands with Gov. Whitmer and will continue to advocate for the protection of every Michiganders’ freedom to vote.”

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