Gov. Whitmer makes Michigan’s clean energy future top priority this fall

Gov. Whitmer makes Michigan’s clean energy future top priority this fall

Michigan LCV supports clean energy, election protection initiatives proposed by Gov. Whitmer

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters released the following statement today in response to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s “What’s Next” Address.

“Michiganders are tired of paying the highest electricity rates for the worst service in the Midwest. Moving Michigan toward 100% clean energy will provide more affordable, reliable energy, and address climate change by reducing pollution and protecting our Great Lakes,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Creating good-paying clean energy jobs, reducing energy bills and protecting our air and water are kitchen table issues. We support Gov. Whitmer’s call to transition Michigan to 100% clean energy and press the Legislature to meet the moment by passing legislation that moves us to a clean energy future. We owe it to our children and their futures to get it done.”

“We also support the Governor’s proposals to shore up our elections after voters overwhelmingly passed Proposal 2 last year. We urge policymakers to block any attempts to subvert the will of Michigan voters and ensure those who help protect our democracy, including election workers, are able to do so free of harassment and intimidation,” added Wozniak.

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