Gov. Whitmer inks budget to lower costs, invest in water, protect health of Michiganders

Gov. Whitmer inks budget to lower costs, invest in water, protect health of Michiganders

Michigan LCV supports 2023-24 budget signed today

LANSING – Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a state budget that will positively impact Michiganders across the state by lowering costs, investing in our water and protecting public health, the Michigan League of Conservation Voters said today.

Nearly $280 million will be invested in local water infrastructure projects, providing grants, loans and other financial support to communities replacing lead service lines, upgrading water treatment facilities, stormwater management systems and more. Another $40 million will go toward addressing PFAS and emerging contaminants. An additional $35 million will support assisting residents with their water utility bills and make the service more affordable.

“Michigan’s budget is laser-focused on kitchen-table issues by lowering costs for families and small businesses, protecting our health, and ensuring all Michiganders have clean, affordable drinking water,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We congratulate lawmakers and Gov. Whitmer for these critical investments. The historic federal funding available to Michigan, along with key state funds, prioritizes the people of Michigan, especially those living in overburdened communities.”

Michigan LCV noted the budget provides $30 million to local communities so they can build renewable energy facilities and lower the impact of dangerous fossil fuel pollution. Another $20 million is devoted to an environmental justice health fund to remediate and redevelop contaminated areas of the state overburdened by pollution.

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