Enbridge must be held financially responsible for dangerous Line 5 pipeline

Enbridge must be held financially responsible for dangerous Line 5 pipeline

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today called for full transparency on Enbridge Energy’s financial responsibility over the dangerous 67-year-old Line 5 pipeline after the state of Michigan released a letter requiring Enbridge to provide financial insurance for the line.


“Throughout Line 5’s existence, Enbridge Energy has failed to prove it is liable for any damage incurred from a Line 5 oil spill, which is completely and totally unacceptable given the company profits from the millions of gallons of oil that flow through it each day while our Great Lakes bear all the risk,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We are pleased Gov. Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources are taking steps to hold Enbridge accountable on their financial responsibility, especially after the recent damage to the pipeline. These financial assurances are more important than ever, but given the company’s long track record of safety violations and deceit, the only way to truly protect our Great Lakes from an oil spill is to revoke Enbridge’s easement agreement and shut down Line 5 once and for all.”

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