Community solar bills a win for consumers, communities

Community solar bills a win for consumers, communities

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters released the following statement in support of new bipartisan community solar legislation (HB 4715-4716) introduced today in the Michigan House. The legislation removes barriers to the development of small-scale local solar projects, allowing residents to subscribe to community solar projects and get credits on their electricity bills for the clean energy generated.  

“Michigan residents have some of the highest electricity costs in the Midwest. House Bills 4715-4716 will give more Michiganders access to clean, affordable solar to lower their energy costs and reduce pollution in our air and water.” said Nick Occhipinti, government affairs director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Is your house or apartment not great for rooftop solar? If not, this bill is an outstanding opportunity for you and communities across Michigan to buy into and benefit from locally produced renewable energy. We urge lawmakers to support this important legislation to remove barriers for solar and grow our clean energy economy.”

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