All communities deserve clean air, safe drinking water and a future free from pollution.
Governor Whitmer has a plan for Clean Water and a Healthy Climate
We know the impacts climate change is having on our communities, from historic flooding to record high lake levels and toxic algae. Climate change is not tomorrow’s problem. It’s here now.
And we know that our water infrastructure is outdated, and many communities are still grappling with toxic contamination and lack of access to clean, safe and affordable drinking water.
Gov. Whitmer is taking action to tackle these challenges. She is taking bold action to make Michigan a leader on protecting our water and taking action on climate change.
In September 2020, Governor Whitmer established the Michigan Council on Climate Solutions, an advisory body made up of 14 Michiganders, to advise the Governor’s office and the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) on the implementation of climate and energy solutions to tackle the climate crisis.
On January 14, EGLE released the draft MI Healthy Climate Plan, Michigan’s number one tool that will drive our state’s transition toward clean, affordable energy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Before the final recommendations are sent to the governor in March, we have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggest changes to the plan. The Council on Climate Solutions will be accepting feedback in person January 26 and February 8, as well as written feedback through February 14.
We need to make this plan as strong as possible.