Build Back Better for Us: Bob Sutherland's Story

Build Back Better for Us: Bob Sutherland's Story

Bob Sutherland owns Cherry Republic, a food store born in northern Michigan that sells more than 200 products made from cherries with six locations across the state. As a prominent northern Michigan business owner, Bob understands the importance of Michigan’s Great Lakes, majestic dunes and beaches – and the need to protect them.

Bob is an advocate for our Great Lakes and northern Michigan way of life because he believes it’s right. With multiple locations in northern Michigan that rely heavily on a thriving tourism and agriculture industry, Bob is seeing the impacts of climate change firsthand.

Record high lake levels over the past several years have caused erosion of Michigan’s dunes and beaches. Extreme weather and abnormal climate patterns have led to excessive rainfall and humidity causing extra work and expenses for cherry farmers, on which Bob’s business depends. He is experiencing the inherent connection between our water and Great Lakes and the climate crisis.

It’s Bob’s belief that the business community has a significant responsibility when it comes to the protection of our air, land and water and the fight against a changing climate. Business owners should use their platforms to take a stance and ensure leaders know why protecting our air, land and water is so important.

That’s why he’s using his platform to support President Biden’s American Jobs Plan to build back our economy and water infrastructure while positioning us to tackle the climate crisis. The American Jobs Plan presents our country with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect our water, that businesses like Bob’s rely on so heavily. 

“We are seeing the impacts of climate change right now here in northern Michigan. The American Jobs Plan is our opportunity to create jobs rebuilding our country and tackling climate change. We need bold action and leadership now to tackle the climate crisis, which is why I’m calling on members of Congress to get behind the American Jobs Plan.”

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