Build Back Better for Us: Bali Kumar's Story

Build Back Better for Us: Bali Kumar's Story

Bali Kumar is a resident of Detroit and Chief Operating Officer of PACE Loan Group, where he lends capital nationwide to property owners and real estate developers to retrofit existing buildings and build more sustainable adaptive reuse and new construction projects.

Bali’s company helps nonprofits, businesses, apartment buildings, hotels, and other commercial properties finance clean energy and water conservation upgrades that help them save money while reducing their carbon footprint and eliminating waste. Working in the clean energy space, Bali sees firsthand the potential for jobs building and installing the clean energy and energy efficiency technologies of the future. For example, PACENation estimates that for every $1 million in PACE financing, 15 jobs are created.

Through public-private partnerships and bold investments, like the American Jobs Plan, the government can play a big role in the advancement of clean energy. It’s programs like PACE that help property owners small and large do their part to reduce emissions and promote cleaner air and water in a fiscally responsible manner.

Bali supports President Biden’s American jobs Plan because it sets bold and smart plans for the inevitable transition to clean energy. He has seen the growth in jobs and the impact clean energy has on Michigan’s economy and believes there is much room to grow this sector nationwide with the right policies in place.

“Transitioning to clean, renewable energy will not only help us mitigate climate change, but it will also help create local, well-paying jobs. Green-collar jobs are the jobs of the future. We need leaders in Congress to recognize this opportunity in the American Jobs Plan to rebuild our economy while protecting our air, land and water for future generations.”

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