After paying zero federal taxes in 2020, Michigan utilities fight affordable rooftop solar

After paying zero federal taxes in 2020, Michigan utilities fight affordable rooftop solar

Michigan utilities are opposing House Bill 4236, legislation that would remove arbitrary limits on rooftop solar for Michigan residents

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today released the following statement after it was reported that DTE and Consumers Energy paid no federal taxes in 2020.

At the same time, both utility companies are fighting legislation in the state House that would expand rooftop solar, lower energy costs and create jobs.  And, meanwhile, Michigan’s residential electricity rates continue to skyrocket.

“Michigan families face the highest electricity costs in the Midwest, while DTE and Consumers Energy paid zero in federal taxes — we deserve to know exactly how these utility companies plan to use this windfall to lower our monthly bills,” said Bob Allison, deputy director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Even after paying no taxes, these big utility companies are again proposing massive rate increases on Michigan families as their lobbyists block and obstruct House Bill 4236, which removes restrictions on affordable rooftop solar energy. Enough is enough, DTE and Consumers can do better and we need real action to lower skyrocketing rates.”

Meanwhile, groups funded by Michigan’s major monopoly utilities – Alliance for Michigan Power and Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy – have been running digital ads in opposition to House Bill 4236.  A full analysis of this “dark money” spending  is available from the Energy and Policy Institute.

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