
We can make farming more sustainable and tackle the climate crisis

Access to healthy food is a fundamental part of healthy communities and agriculture is a cornerstone of our economy. But rising food prices and climate impacts have made it harder for American families to put food on the table and for farmers to make a living growing the food we need.

Every five years, Congress passes a new Farm Bill – a legislative package that directly impacts the agricultural industry and dictates how farms across the U.S. operate, how and what types of crops are grown, and more. Each Farm Bill includes programs from healthy food assistance for low-income Americans and crop insurance to farmers, to agricultural training programs and the implementation of more sustainable farming practices.

Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed last year, there is $20 billion in climate-smart agriculture and conservation funding on the table for the Farm Bill to ensure we meet our agricultural needs while making farming practices more sustainable and combating the climate crisis in the process.

Some members of Congress, backed by fossil fuel interests, are pushing to remove these critical programs in the farm bill and cut nutrition funding. We need to show Sen. Stabenow that we have her back in defending the Farm Bill.

Throughout her career in Washington, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow has been a leader on the Farm Bill, consistently making sure American farmers have the resources they need to put food on our tables while pushing for sustainability and the protection of our natural resources.

It is crucial Congress takes full advantage of the funding for conservation measures and climate-conscious agricultural programs to expand sustainable farming practices that will help us combat the climate crisis while putting healthy food on our tables.

Join the movement to protect the Great Lakes state

And we’ll show you two ways to help. Together, we can be a voice for change and protect Michigan’s land, air, water, public health, and democracy.