Attacks on clean energy outdated, unfounded and out of touch

Attacks on clean energy outdated, unfounded and out of touch

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters issued the following press release to set the record straight regarding recent attacks from House Republicans on legislation to transition Michigan to 100% clean energy. 

“It is laughable that some politicians are attacking legislation to move our state to cleaner, more affordable energy by citing costs when the current status quo from big energy utility companies has saddled us with the highest energy costs in the Midwest,” said Bob Allison, deputy director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “People want more affordable energy. They want cleaner air and water and a future that is livable for their kids. They want big energy utility companies to be held accountable for providing clean, affordable and reliable energy. That is why Gov. Whitmer and House and Senate Democrats are working to pass legislation to move our state to 100% clean energy.”

Get the facts:

  • An April report from Lazard, a leading financial advisory and asset management firm, found costs for clean, renewable energy, like wind and solar, continue to be cheaper than coal plants and natural gas, even without any government subsidies.


  • Michigan has consistently ranked at the bottom of the country for power outages and has the highest residential energy costs in the Midwest. 


  • A recent analysis by 5 Lakes Energy found that legislation to transition Michigan to 100% clean energy would help lower Michigan household energy costs by $145 annually. 


“The fact is: Clean energy is the most affordable way to produce the energy we need, and we should be doubling down on it to rein in our already sky-high energy costs. These outdated and inaccurate attacks on legislation to move us toward a clean energy future are irresponsible and out of touch with where people are at in Michigan.”

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