Michigan LCV welcomes new board members

Michigan LCV welcomes new board members

We are thrilled to announce two new board members to our Boards of Directors! Mark Van Putten and Justin Onwenu each bring with them an impressive track record of civic action, organizing and working to protect our air, land and water. We welcome Mark and Justin to our Michigan LCV board!

Read more about our new board members below.

Mark Van Putten 

Mark is the founder and CEO of ConservationStrategy, a consulting firm that helps non-profit organizations, educational institutions and other groups build  sustainable and effective conservation and environmental programs within their work. 

Mark Van Putten’s long and impactful career in the environmental world started in Michigan with his work as the Regional Executive Director for the National Wildlife Federation’s Great Lakes Regional Center.

After working to protect the Great Lakes in Michigan, Mark transitioned to work in Washington, D.C., where he served as President of the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). After many years on the East Coast, Mark returned to Michigan and served as the CEO of The Wege Foundation, which is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 

Mark’s esteemed career has provided a treasure trove of experience working with environmental non-profits and universities, and he brings valuable perspectives to the Michigan LCV board of directors that will help our organization continue to grow. 

Justin Onwenu

Justin has become widely known in Michigan advocacy circles in recent years for his dynamic community organizing in the movement for climate action, clean air and water, and public health at the local, state, and national levels. 

Justin was the youngest member appointed by Governor Whitmer to both the Michigan Advisory Council on Environmental Justice and the Black Leadership Advisory Council. He also served as the emcee for the inaugural MI Healthy Climate Conference held last spring in Detroit. In addition to his vast experience and continued organizing work, he is currently attending Columbia Law School in New York City, where he serves as student body president. 

Justin brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in organizing and advocacy, and will be a much-needed voice of younger generations as a member of the Michigan LCV board of directors. 

Welcome to the Michigan LCV team, Mark and Justin!

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