Michigan LCV supports polluter pay legislation to protect Michigan’s air, land and water

Michigan LCV supports polluter pay legislation to protect Michigan’s air, land and water

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today applauded a package of bills introduced Monday in the Michigan House that will hold corporation polluters responsible for contaminating Michigan’s air, land and water.

The bills would remove the statute of limitations for the state to file a civil claim in these cases, remove corporate officers who sit on panels who decide environmental regulations and permits, and require higher fines and bond levels to ensure corporations can pay for the clean-up when pollution occurs.

“Legislators from across Michigan recognize the need for stronger enforcement and new laws that will hold corporate polluters responsible for the messes they make, detrimentally impacting our natural resources and public health,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of Michigan LCV. “MLCV supports this package of bills to hold polluters responsible for their actions. From the green ooze in Madison Heights to the PFAS in the water our children drink, we must ensure bad actors clean up the toxic contamination they create.”

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