Michigan LCV statement on Gov. Whitmer’s Line 5 anchor order

Michigan LCV statement on Gov. Whitmer’s Line 5 anchor order

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement in response to Gov. Whitmer’s emergency order to the Department of Natural Resources to prevent anchor strikes on pipelines in the Great Lakes. The order comes after video footage of the aftermath of the April 28, 2018 anchor strike was recently released to the public.

“Just over a year ago, we narrowly avoided a catastrophic oil spill after an anchor bounced off the Line 5 Pipeline three times severely denting it, which we are now seeing for the first time in newly released footage,” said Bob Allison, deputy director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “While we are happy to see stronger protections for boat travel near the Straits, the only way to truly prevent a catastrophic oil spill in the Great Lakes is to immediately cease the flow of oil through the dangerous and damaged 66-year-old pipeline and shut it down once and for all.”

Gov. Whitmer also issued a request to the U.S. Coast Guard to create a similar rule for foreign vessels which are beyond state authority. Michigan LCV urges the Coast Guard to act on this request immediately.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Contact: Nick Dodge, Byrum & Fisk Advocacy Communications (517) 333-1606

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