Gov. Whitmer demonstrates commitment to clean water and public health in budget

Gov. Whitmer demonstrates commitment to clean water and public health in budget

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters and Michigan Environmental Council today applauded Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s budget proposal that puts the health of Michigan’s air, Great Lakes and communities first by supporting dedicated funds to clean up the thousands of contaminated sites across Michigan as well as funding programs that ensure Michiganders have clean air and drinking water.

“Gov. Whitmer today rightly used her first budget to reinforce that clean water is a fundamental Michigan value,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “We urge the Legislature to join her in removing lead pipes, cleaning up toxic PFAS chemicals, expanding public health programs, and making sure every child has access to safe drinking water at their school. None of these issues are partisan, but all of them impact Michigan’s economy and the health of our citizens.”

“Gov. Whitmer is showing the residents through her budget recommendations that public health and the environment are not just talking points, but priorities for her administration,” said Michigan Environmental Council Deputy Policy Director Sean Hammond. “We also commend the governor for directing funds to address invasive species. With an ever growing list of potential invasive pests due to climate change, Michigan’s over $11 billion outdoor recreation economy is more at risk than ever. We look forward to working with the Legislature and the governor to allocate these funds to protect Michiganders’ public health and the environment.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Contact: Nicole Pomish, Michigan Environmental Council, (248) 762-1570

                Nick Dodge, Byrum & Fisk Advocacy Communications, (517) 333-1606

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