Michigan LCV blasts lawmakers for passing ‘Fox Guarding the Henhouse Bills’

Michigan LCV blasts lawmakers for passing ‘Fox Guarding the Henhouse Bills’

LANSING – The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (MLCV) today blasted the Michigan House of Representatives for passing an amended version of the “Fox Guarding the Henhouse Acts” (SB 652-653), which would create oversight panels within the DEQ, adding an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy that diminishes the role of staff scientists in shaping the regulations and permits that impact the quality of our air and water.

“These problematic bills still give polluters and special interests a powerful, unnecessary influence in deciding how many toxins can be sent up smokestacks and how much contamination is considered ‘safe’ to drink,” said Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director at Michigan LCV. “Instead of relying on science to guide decisions that impact our land, air and water, this legislation gives polluters undue influence over the state agency charged with protecting our communities and natural resources.”


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