
Michigan League of Conservation Voters Call for More Action Beyond Enbridge Fines

ANN ARBOR — Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters, released the following statement in response to a $172 million settlement being levied against Enbridge for the 2010 Kalamazoo River oil spill:

“The Kalamazoo River has been compromised by the Enbridge oil spill for six years now, and while recovery has been ongoing, there is clearly more work as oil remains in the river. This fine is one more step along the way toward returning the Kalamazoo River to a healthy state, but falls short of the compensation needed to restore the lives of the people and wetlands affected by this catastrophe. We must not let up on holding Enbridge accountable for jeopardizing the health and quality of life for people who live near the river. The damage is irrevocably done, and writing a check for $172 million cannot be the last measure for Enbridge’s role in the oil spill.”

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