Statement on MDEQ approval of Nestlé water withdrawal

Statement on MDEQ approval of Nestlé water withdrawal

LANSING – Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters today issued the following statement in response to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s approval for Nestlé to increase water withdrawal at its White Pine Springs well:

Today’s decision by the Department of Environmental Quality is deeply disappointing and represents yet another fundamental failure by the agency to safeguard Michigan’s precious water resources. Michigan’s abundant water defines who we are, and we have a responsibility to protect our water for future generations. Sadly, the DEQ chose to give the green light to a foreign company to continue pumping Michigan water virtually unchecked, hanging a ‘For Sale’ sign on Michigan’s abundant water resources. The impact of this reckless decision will be felt for generations, with negative impacts on Michigan’s lakes, rivers and streams.”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, April 2, 2018

Contact: Katie Parrish, Communications Director, (239) 537-9507

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