Stabenow, local leaders to call for action on climate change at Kalamazoo march

Stabenow, local leaders to call for action on climate change at Kalamazoo march

Rally and march will shine spotlight on dangers of climate change

KALAMAZOO – On Saturday, April 29 at 2:30 p.m., federal and local leaders, elected officials and members of the Southwest Michigan community will gather at Bronson Park, 200 S. Rose St. Kalamazoo to march for clean air and water, the same day that thousands will converge on Washington, DC as part of the People’s Climate March.

Speakers will include U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, State Rep. Jon Hoadley (D-Kalamazoo) and other community leaders.

We are marching to send a clear message to President Trump and his big polluter friends that Michiganders will stand together to demand the protection of our air, land and water,” said Shannon Sykes, Michigan League of Conservation Voters’ southwest Michigan regional coordinator. “Reducing dangerous pollution by expanding clean, renewable energy will help keep our air clean and water safe for Michigan families, children and seniors.”

The event will begin with remarks from speakers, and Senator Stabenow will speak at 2:30 p.m. The march will start at Bronson Park at 2:55 p.m. and end at Martin Luther King Memorial Park, 507 N. Rose St. Kalamazoo. After the march, more speakers will give remarks, and citizens can take action at four different stations where they can get involved and make a difference at home, in their community, and with policy makers in Lansing and Washington DC.

The people of Southwest Michigan and beyond are already being negatively affected by climate change and extreme weather,” added Sykes. “Our message to Washington and Lansing is: we need to take action not next week, not a year from now, but now. People’s lives depend on it.”

The event is being hosted by Michigan League of Conservation Voters. For more information contact: Anne Marie Hertl, 440-289-0450, [email protected].

Click Here to RSVP for the March!

Photo: South Bend Voice via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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