
Michigan LCV: Lead-Contaminated Drinking Water is Shameful Example of State “Leadership”

FLINT — Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters (LCV), released the following statement on the Flint water crisis:

“Our state government is responsible for ensuring clean water is accessible to everyone and in Flint, Governor Snyder and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality failed. It is unacceptable that children and families in the Great Lakes State are without access to safe, clean water. It is unthinkable that children and families are now left to deal with the ramifications of drinking poisoned water due to decisions made by our elected officials. The Governor’s plan to return Flint to the Detroit water system is good news, but it doesn’t make up for the injustices done to Michigan families whose health and safety have been compromised. In the aftermath of this public health disaster and as the State of Michigan partners with the City of Flint to provide safe drinking water, Michigan LCV will hold the administration accountable for the mismanagement that led to this crisis and for the unacceptable failure of leadership that has been on display in one of Michigan’s most underserved communities.”

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