MI Senate greenlights more dark money in elections, Schwarz and MLCV respond

MI Senate greenlights more dark money in elections, Schwarz and MLCV respond

Plan to codify and expand Citizens United decision into Michigan law moves on to House

LANSING—Former Congressman Joe Schwarz (R- Battle Creek) joined the Michigan League of Conservation Voters (MLCV) in criticizing legislation passed by the State Senate today. Senate Bills 335 and 336, sponsored by Sen. Dave Robertson (R-Grand Blanc) were approved today by a count of 23 in favor and 12 opposed.

Congressman Schwarz, who is a member of the Michigan LCV Board of Directors, gave the following statement:

Not only does dark money degrade our political process, it is also eroding Americans’ basic trust that our leaders are truly serving the public interest,” said former US Representative Joe Schwarz. “It’s hard to believe that your elected representative is looking out for your best interests, when he or she receives undocumented and unlimited financial contributions from anyone and everyone. Having spent many years in the Michigan Senate myself, I am particularly disappointed to see leaders from my own party looking to further weaken basic expectations of transparency and accountability.”

Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director gave the following statement on the bills’ passage:

It has been seven years since the Citizens United decision was made, and the impact and extent of dark, unregulated money in our democracy has been more profound and disturbing than many of us could have imagined,” said Lisa Wozniak, executive director. “Amid all time low trust in our elected leaders, the Legislature chose today to cement and expand the role of anonymous, unlimited money in our state’s political system. These bills only serve to reinforce disturbing conflicts of interest that are already at play in Lansing.”

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